
Health:584 Health Regen:7 Mana:200 Mana Regen:50 Attack Damage:63 Attack Speed:0.651 Armor:32 Magic Resist:32 Range:125 Movement Speed:345

Passive: Contempt for the Weak
Zed's basic attacks against low health targets deals bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every few seconds against the same enemy champion.

Q: Razor Shuriken
Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens.

Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.

W: Living Shadow
Passive: Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability.

Active: Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow.

E: Shadow Slash
Zed and his shadows slash, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

R: Death Mark
Zed becomes untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After 3 seconds the mark triggers, repeating a portion of all the damage Zed dealt to the target while they were marked.

Ally Tips

  • Saving energy and spell cooldowns until you use your ultimate will maximize Death Mark's damage.

  • Quickly double tapping Living Shadow will teleport Zed to his shadow immediately for rapid escapes.

  • Placing a Living Shadow before using Death Mark can give Zed a safe escape from combat.

Opponent Tips

  • Zed receives bonus effect from Attack Damage items he purchases, so Armor is super effective against him.

  • After Zed uses his Living Shadow, he is at his most vulnerable as his damage, slow, and mobility are both dependent upon it.

  • Zed's Shadow Slash can only slow you if his shadow hits you with it.


Utterly ruthless and without mercy, Zed is the leader of the Order of Shadow, an organization he created with the intent of militarizing Ionia's magical and martial traditions to drive out Noxian invaders. During the war, desperation led him to unlock the secret shadow form—a malevolent spirit magic as dangerous and corrupting as it is powerful. Zed has mastered all of these forbidden techniques to destroy anything he sees as a threat to his nation, or his new order.