
Health:525 Health Regen:9 Mana:280 Mana Regen:7 Attack Damage:61 Attack Speed:0.645 Armor:27 Magic Resist:32 Range:175 Movement Speed:340

Passive: Petricite Burst
After casting a spell, Sylas stores a charge of Petricite Burst. Sylas's basic attacks will expend a charge and whirl his energized chains around him dealing bonus magic damage to enemies hit. While Sylas has a charge of Petricite Burst, he gains attack speed.

Q: Chain Lash
Sylas lashes his chains out, intersecting at his targeted location dealing damage to and slowing enemies.

After a delay, magical energy explodes from the intersection point dealing damage.

W: Kingslayer
Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing execute based damage and healing himself against enemy champions.

E: Abscond / Abduct
Sylas dashes to a location. Sylas can recast the ability to throw his chains out, pulling himself to an enemy he hits.

R: Hijack
Sylas steals the enemy's ultimate ability and can cast it freely.

Ally Tips

  • Wait for you or your enemy to reach low health before using Kingslayer for maximum effect.

  • Space out your ability usage to get maximum effect from Petricite Burst.

  • Clever use of enemy ultimates can open up new possibilities to approach teamfights.

Opponent Tips

  • Sylas's healthbar can be deceptive, watch out for his Kingslayer!

  • Try to fight Sylas when he isn't able to take your ultimate.


Raised in one of Demacia's lesser quarters, Sylas of Dregbourne has come to symbolize the darker side of the Great City. As a boy, his ability to root out hidden sorcery caught the attention of the notorious mageseekers, who eventually imprisoned him for turning those same powers against them. Having now broken free, Sylas lives as a hardened revolutionary, using the magic of those around him to destroy the kingdom he once served… and his band of outcast mage followers seems to grow by the day.