
Health:580 Health Regen:9.5 Mana:330 Mana Regen:7.5 Attack Damage:63 Attack Speed:0.613 Armor:34 Magic Resist:32 Range:125 Movement Speed:345

Passive: Noxious Slipstream
Singed drafts off nearby champions, gaining a burst of movement speed when passing them.

Q: Poison Trail
Leaves a trail of poison behind Singed, dealing damage to enemies caught in the path.

W: Mega Adhesive
Throws a vial of mega adhesive on the ground, slowing and grounding enemies who walk on it.

E: Fling
Damages target enemy unit and flings them into the air behind Singed. If the target Singed flings lands in his Mega Adhesive, they are also rooted.

R: Insanity Potion
Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats.

Ally Tips

  • Poison Trail is very effective at farming and harassing, allowing Singed to dominate the flow of whatever lane he's in.

  • Use Insanity Potion to trick your opponents into chasing you through your Poison Trail.

  • Flinging enemies into your tower can deal heavy amounts of damage to them.

Opponent Tips

  • Keep your distance to avoid being Flung back into Singed's allies.

  • Singed needs to run close to your team to be effective. Try to take advantage of this by using crowd control effects on him while attacking his allies.

  • Be careful when chasing Singed. He's very difficult to bring down, and can leave his Poison Trail to damage you in your pursuit.


Singed is a Zaunite alchemist of unmatched intellect, who has devoted his life to pushing the boundaries of knowledge—with no price, even his own sanity, too high to pay. Is there a method to his madness? His concoctions rarely fail, but it appears to many that Singed has lost all sense of humanity, leaving a toxic trail of misery and terror in his wake.