
Health:595 Health Regen:8.5 Mana:100 Mana Regen:0 Attack Damage:66 Attack Speed:0.658 Armor:38 Magic Resist:32 Range:125 Movement Speed:350

Passive: Fury of the Dragonborn
Shyvana deals bonus damage to dragons and gains Armor and Magic Resistance. As Shyvana and her allies slay more dragons, she gains more bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.

Q: Twin Bite
Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by 0.5 seconds.

Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.

W: Burnout
Shyvana surrounds herself in fire, dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies and moving faster for 3 seconds, part of this damage is applied again when Shyvana basic attacks an enemy with Burnout active. The Movement Speed reduces over the duration of the spell. Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout.

Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.

E: Flame Breath
Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to all enemies it encounters and leaves cinders on the target, marking them for 5 seconds. Shyvana's basic attacks on marked targets deal a percentage of their maximum Health as damage on-hit.

Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing bonus damage and scorching the earth for a short duration.

R: Dragon's Descent
Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take damage and are knocked toward her target location.

Shyvana passively gains Fury per second and gains 2 Fury on basic attack.

Ally Tips

  • Shyvana's abilities all benefit from attacking units. As a result, Attack Speed items are more valuable on her than most champions.

  • Flame Breath is great to level-up against difficult lane opponents.

  • Burnout is an ideal choice for jungling. Monsters will be hit by the full duration, and the speed boost improves her ganking potential.

  • It can be valuable to purchase one of the items that can slow enemies: Frozen Mallet, Dead Man's Plate, or Entropy.

Opponent Tips

  • A significant portion of Shyvana's power is generated through aggression, making her weak against opponents who are able to keep their distance.

  • All of Shyvana's basic abilities hit multiple enemies in dragon form. It's important for opposing champions to not cluster while fighting her.

  • Shyvana's Fury Bar indicate her ultimate can be activated. Harassing her when she's low on Fury can be very effective.


Shyvana is a creature with the magic of a rune shard burning within her heart. Though she often appears humanoid, she can take her true form as a fearsome dragon, incinerating her foes with fiery breath. Having saved the life of the crown prince Jarvan IV, Shyvana now serves uneasily in his royal guard, struggling to find acceptance among the suspicious people of Demacia.