
Health:575 Health Regen:8.5 Mana:316 Mana Regen:7.47 Attack Damage:68 Attack Speed:0.694 Armor:35 Magic Resist:32 Range:125 Movement Speed:350

Passive: Berserker Rage
Olaf gains Attack Speed based on his missing Health.

Q: Undertow
Olaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and slowing their Move Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.

W: Vicious Strikes
Olaf's Attack Speed is increased, he gains Life Steal and has increased healing from all sources based on how much Health he is missing.

E: Reckless Swing
Olaf attacks with such force that it deals true damage to his target and himself, refunding the Health cost if he destroys the target.

R: Ragnarok
Olaf temporarily becomes immune to disables.

Ally Tips

  • Olaf can combine Berserker Rage, Vicious Strikes, and Ragnarok at low life to become deceptively strong.

  • The bonus healing granted by Vicious Strikes amplifies your Life Steal from all sources as well as heals from allies.

Opponent Tips

  • Olaf becomes more dangerous the lower life he is. Save your disables to finish him off.

  • Preventing Olaf from reaching his axe will minimize the amount of harassment he can cause in the laning phase.

  • Olaf has reduced defenses from damage during Ragnarok, despite being immune to disables. If you can't escape from Olaf during Ragnarok, try focusing your damage on him with your teammates.


An unstoppable force of destruction, the axe-wielding Olaf wants nothing but to die in glorious combat. Hailing from the brutal Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar, he once received a prophecy foretelling his peaceful passing—a coward's fate, and a great insult among his people. Seeking death, and fueled by rage, he rampaged across the land, slaughtering scores of great warriors and legendary beasts in search of any opponent who could stop him. Now a brutal enforcer for the Winter's Claw, he seeks his end in the great wars to come.