
Health:560 Health Regen:5.5 Mana:350 Mana Regen:6 Attack Damage:52 Attack Speed:0.625 Armor:34 Magic Resist:30 Range:500 Movement Speed:330

Passive: Traveler's Call
Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks to deal extra magic damage. When Bard has collected enough Chimes, his meeps will also deal damage in an area and slow enemies hit.

Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, restore mana, and provide out of combat Move Speed.

Q: Cosmic Binding
Bard fires a missile which will slow the first enemy struck, and continue onward. If it strikes a wall, it will stun the initial target; if it strikes another enemy, it will stun them both.

W: Caretaker's Shrine
Reveals a healing shrine which powers up over a short time, disappearing after healing and speeding up the first ally that touches it.

E: Magical Journey
Bard opens a portal in nearby terrain. Allies and enemies alike can take a one-way trip through that terrain by moving into the portal.

R: Tempered Fate
Bard sends spirit energy arcing to a location, putting all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets hit into stasis for a brief time.

Ally Tips

  • It's important to collect chimes to improve your meep's attacks, but don't neglect your lane partner! Try to make a big entrance by bringing an ally into the lane with you with Magical Journey.

  • Let your Caretaker's Shrines charge up - they heal for a lot more when at full power.

  • Don't forget that enemies can also use your Magical Journey doorways, and that your ultimate can also hit your allies!

Opponent Tips

  • Bard's opponents can also travel through his Magical Journey doorways. You can follow him, if you think it's safe.

  • You can crush Bard's healing shrines just by walking over them. Don't let his allies take them without a fight.

  • Bard's ultimate, Tempered Fate, affects allies, enemies, monsters, and turrets alike. Sometimes it can be to your advantage to jump into it!


A traveler from beyond the stars, Bard is an agent of serendipity who fights to maintain a balance where life can endure the indifference of chaos. Many Runeterrans sing songs that ponder his extraordinary nature, yet they all agree that the cosmic vagabond is drawn to artifacts of great magical power. Surrounded by a jubilant choir of helpful spirit meeps, it is impossible to mistake his actions as malevolent, as Bard always serves the greater good... in his own odd way.